Reload script logs
When doing a scheduled reload or a reload started from the QMC, Sense will create a detailed log file that includes all the commands executed during the reload.
If a reload for reason fails it can be very useful to look at these reload logs.
The latest reload log file for each reload task is available via the QMC, but logs for previous reload attempts are not available via the QMC.
Using the same mechanism used by reload failure alerts in general, Butler can be configured to store the reload logs of all failed reloads to disk.
The reload logs are stored in the directory configured in the Butler config file, with separate directories for each date:
├── butler.exe
├── log
│ └── butler.2022-04-07.log
├── production.yaml
└── scriptlog
├── 2022-04-06
│ ├── 2022-04-06_15-36-12_appId=deba4bcf-47e4-472e-97b2-4fe8d6498e11_taskId=0d815a99-1ca3-4131-a398-6878bd735fd8.log
│ └── 2022-04-06_22-42-35_appId=66bc109d-286a-415b-8355-1422abb22133_taskId=e959f40a-67be-4a5b-ae83-a292f96ba078.log
└── 2022-04-07
└── 2022-04-07_05-49-16_appId=deba4bcf-47e4-472e-97b2-4fe8d6498e11_taskId=0d815a99-1ca3-4131-a398-6878bd735fd8.log
All in all this makes it a lot easier to find log files for failed reloads.
Configuration of this feature is described here.