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UDP client

A basic, stand-alone UDP client is included in Butler.

Butler includes a very basic UDP client, which can be used to send test messages to Butler’s UDP servers.
This can be useful when debugging a Butler server, when adding new UDP handlers etc.
The client is built using node.js, and is found in the src/udp_client directory.

Run the app to show its help text (in this case the UDP client is executed on a Mac):

$ node udp_client.js
Usage: node udp_client.js [options]

This app sends messages to the UDP server(s) built into Butler (or any other UDP

  --version   Show version number                                      [boolean]
  -i, --ip    IP address of UDP server message will be sent to        [required]
  -p, --port  Port on UDP server                                      [required]
  -m, --msg   Message to send                          [default: "Test message"]
  -h, --help  Show help                                                [boolean]

Missing required arguments: i, p

Testing the failed task UDP server

Sending a message to port 9998 will test the UDP server responsible for handling task failure messages:

Sending a message to Butler looks like this (with a fake IP address):

$ node udp_client.js --ip -p 9998 -m "Abc;123;456;test"
UDP message sent to, 16 bytes.

The resulting Slack message looks like this:

Slack failed task