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Butler stores a lot of information in InfluxDB. This page describes the different measurements and tags that Butler send to InfluxDB.
Failed reload tasks
Measurement: reload_task_failed
Tag name |
Description |
host |
Server on which the reload took place. |
user |
Full user info (directory + ID) for user doing the reload. Typically sa_scheduler for tasks started via scheduler. For manually started (from QMC) tasks the actual user starting the task is used. |
task_id |
ID of reload task that failed. |
task_name |
Name of reload task that failed. |
app_id |
ID of Sense app whose reload failed. |
app_name |
Name of Sense app whose reload failed. |
log_level |
Log level of the Sense log file entry causing the alert |
task_executingNodeName |
Name of node where the reload task was executed. |
task_executionStatusNum |
Reload task’s execution result code (numeric). |
task_executionStatusText |
Reload task’s execution result (text). |
appTag_<app tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> |
App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app. |
appTag_<app tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> |
App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app. |
taskTag_<reload task tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> |
Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task. |
taskTag_<reload task tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> |
Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task. |
static-tag-1 |
Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file. |
static-tag-2 |
Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file. |
Field name |
Description |
log_timestamp |
Timestamp of the Sense log file entry that triggered the event. |
execution_id |
Execution ID of the reload task. |
log_message |
Raw message from the Sense log file entry that triggered the alert. |
task_executionStartTime_json |
Start time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionStopTime_json |
Stop time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionDuration_json |
Duration of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionDuration_sec |
Duration of the reload task in seconds. |
task_executionDuration_min |
Duration of the reload task in minutes. |
task_executionDuration_h |
Duration of the reload task in hours. |
task_scriptLogSize |
Size (number of characters) of the reload script log associated with the event. |
task_scriptLogTailCount |
Number of lines from the end of the reload script log that are included in the event. |
reload_log |
Last few lines of the reload script log associated with the event. |
Successful reload tasks
Measurement: reload_task_success
Tag name |
Description |
host |
Server on which the reload took place. |
user |
Full user info (directory + ID) for user doing the reload. Typically sa_scheduler for tasks started via scheduler. For manually started (from QMC) tasks the actual user starting the task is used. |
task_id |
ID of reload task. |
task_name |
Name of reload task. |
app_id |
ID of Sense app that was reloaded. |
app_name |
Name of Sense app that was reloaded. |
log_level |
Log level of the Sense log file entry causing the event |
task_executingNodeName |
Name of node where the reload task was executed. |
task_executionStatusNum |
Reload task’s execution result code (numeric). |
task_executionStatusText |
Reload task’s execution result (text). |
appTag_<app tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> |
App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app. |
appTag_<app tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> |
App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app. |
taskTag_<reload task tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> |
Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task. |
taskTag_<reload task tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> |
Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task. |
static-tag-1 |
Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file. |
static-tag-2 |
Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file. |
Field name |
Description |
log_timestamp |
Timestamp of the Sense log file entry that triggered the event. |
execution_id |
Execution ID of the reload task. |
log_message |
Raw message from the Sense log file entry that triggered the event. |
task_executionStartTime_json |
Start time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionStopTime_json |
Stop time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionDuration_json |
Duration of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours. |
task_executionDuration_sec |
Duration of the reload task in seconds. |
task_executionDuration_min |
Duration of the reload task in minutes. |
task_executionDuration_h |
Duration of the reload task in hours. |
Windows service info
Measurement: win_service_state
Tag name |
Description |
butler_instance |
Name of the Butler instance, from config file. |
host |
Server on which the reload took place. |
service_name |
Name of the Windows service. |
display_name |
Display name of the Windows service. |
friendly_name |
Friendly name of the Windows service (as defined in the Butler config file). |
Field name |
Description |
state_num |
State of the Windows service (numeric). |
state_text |
State of the Windows service (text). |
startup_mode_num |
Startup mode of the Windows service (numeric). |
startup_mode_text |
Startup mode of the Windows service (text). |
Qlik Sense server version info
Measurement: qlik_sense_version
Tag name |
Description |
butler_instance |
Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file. |
In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseVersion.versionMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static
in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.
Field name |
Description |
content_hash |
Content hash, as returned from the Sense version API. |
sense_id |
Sense ID, as returned from the Sense version API. This is usually on the form qliksenseserver:<version> |
product_name |
Sense product name, for example Qlik Sense |
deployment_type |
Sense deployment type, for example QlikSenseServer |
version |
Sense version, for example 14.173.4 |
release_label |
Sense release label, for example February 2024 Patch 1 |
deprecated_product_version |
Sense old/deprecated product version, for example 4.0.x |
copyright_year_range |
Sense copyright year range, for example 1993-2024 |
Qlik Sense server license info
Measurement: qlik_sense_server_license
Tag name |
Description |
butler_instance |
Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file. |
In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseLicense.serverLicenseMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static
in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.
Field name |
Description |
license_expired |
Whether the Sense license has expired. true/false. |
expiry_date |
Expiry date of the Sense server license, YYYY-MM-DD format. |
days_until_expiry |
Number of days until the Sense server license expires. If expiration date has passed this number will be negative. |
Qlik Sense end user access license info
The access license information returned by the Qlik Sense API is not very well documented by Qlik.
As a result it is not always clear what the different fields mean.
This is highlighted for each affected field below.
Measurement: sense_license_info
Each datapoint has a tag called license_type
that can have the following values:
The tags are the same for all license types, but the fields differ as follows.
Tag name |
Description |
butler_instance |
Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file. |
In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseLicense.licenseMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static
in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.
License types “professional” and “analyzer”
Field name |
Description |
allocated |
Number of allocated professional licenses. |
available |
Number of available professional licenses. |
excess |
Number of excess professional licenses. Unclear what this means. |
quarantined |
Number of quarantined professional licenses. |
total |
Total number of professional licenses included in the installed Qlik Sense license. |
used |
Number of professional licenses in use right now. |
License type “analyzer_capacity”
Field name |
Description |
allocated_minutes |
Total number of analyzer capacity minutes available in the installed Qlik Sense license. |
unavailable_minutes |
Number of analyzer capacity minutes that are currently unavailable. Unclear what this means. |
used_minutes |
Number of analyzer capacity minutes used so far this month. |
License type “token_login”
Field name |
Description |
allocated_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
token_cost |
Unclear what this means. |
unavailable_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
used_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
License type “token_user”
Field name |
Description |
allocated_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
quarantined_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
token_cost |
Unclear what this means. |
used_tokens |
Unclear what this means. |
License type “tokens_available”
This license type contains aggregated token information.
Field name |
Description |
available_tokens |
Number of tokens available. Unclear what this means. |
total_tokens |
Total number of tokens included in the installed Qlik Sense license. Unclear what this means. |
Butler uptime info
Measurement: butler_memory_usage
Tag name |
Description |
butler_instance |
Name of the Butler instance, from config file. |
version |
Version of Butler. |
Field name |
Description |
heap_used |
Amount of heap memory used by Butler. |
heap_total |
Total amount of heap memory available to Butler. |
external |
Amount of external memory used by Butler. |
process_memory |
Amount of memory used by the Butler process. |