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Information stored in InfluxDB

Butler stores a lot of information in InfluxDB. This page describes the different measurements and tags that Butler send to InfluxDB.

Failed reload tasks

Measurement: reload_task_failed


Tag name Description
host Server on which the reload took place.
user Full user info (directory + ID) for user doing the reload. Typically sa_scheduler for tasks started via scheduler. For manually started (from QMC) tasks the actual user starting the task is used.
task_id ID of reload task that failed.
task_name Name of reload task that failed.
app_id ID of Sense app whose reload failed.
app_name Name of Sense app whose reload failed.
log_level Log level of the Sense log file entry causing the alert
task_executingNodeName Name of node where the reload task was executed.
task_executionStatusNum Reload task’s execution result code (numeric).
task_executionStatusText Reload task’s execution result (text).
appTag_<app tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app.
appTag_<app tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app.
taskTag_<reload task tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task.
taskTag_<reload task tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task.
static-tag-1 Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file.
static-tag-2 Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file.


Field name Description
log_timestamp Timestamp of the Sense log file entry that triggered the event.
execution_id  Execution ID of the reload task.
log_message Raw message from the Sense log file entry that triggered the alert.
task_executionStartTime_json Start time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionStopTime_json Stop time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionDuration_json Duration of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionDuration_sec Duration of the reload task in seconds.
task_executionDuration_min Duration of the reload task in minutes.
task_executionDuration_h Duration of the reload task in hours.
task_scriptLogSize Size (number of characters) of the reload script log associated with the event.
task_scriptLogTailCount Number of lines from the end of the reload script log that are included in the event.
reload_log Last few lines of the reload script log associated with the event.

Successful reload tasks

Measurement: reload_task_success


Tag name Description
host Server on which the reload took place.
user Full user info (directory + ID) for user doing the reload. Typically sa_scheduler for tasks started via scheduler. For manually started (from QMC) tasks the actual user starting the task is used.
task_id ID of reload task.
task_name Name of reload task.
app_id ID of Sense app that was reloaded.
app_name Name of Sense app that was reloaded.
log_level Log level of the Sense log file entry causing the event
task_executingNodeName Name of node where the reload task was executed.
task_executionStatusNum Reload task’s execution result code (numeric).
task_executionStatusText Reload task’s execution result (text).
appTag_<app tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app.
appTag_<app tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> App tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense app.
taskTag_<reload task tag name 1 from Qlik Sense> Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task.
taskTag_<reload task tag name 2 from Qlik Sense> Task tag defined in the QMC for the Qlik Sense reload task.
static-tag-1 Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file.
static-tag-2 Static tag specified in the Butler configuration file.


Field name Description
log_timestamp Timestamp of the Sense log file entry that triggered the event.
execution_id  Execution ID of the reload task.
log_message Raw message from the Sense log file entry that triggered the event.
task_executionStartTime_json Start time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionStopTime_json Stop time of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionDuration_json Duration of the reload task. Stringified JSON with seconds, minutes, hours.
task_executionDuration_sec Duration of the reload task in seconds.
task_executionDuration_min Duration of the reload task in minutes.
task_executionDuration_h Duration of the reload task in hours.

Windows service info

Measurement: win_service_state


Tag name Description
butler_instance Name of the Butler instance, from config file.
host Server on which the reload took place.
service_name Name of the Windows service.
display_name Display name of the Windows service.
friendly_name Friendly name of the Windows service (as defined in the Butler config file).


Field name Description
state_num State of the Windows service (numeric).
state_text State of the Windows service (text).
startup_mode_num Startup mode of the Windows service (numeric).
startup_mode_text Startup mode of the Windows service (text).

Qlik Sense server version info

Measurement: qlik_sense_version


Tag name Description
butler_instance Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file.

In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseVersion.versionMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.


Field name Description
content_hash Content hash, as returned from the Sense version API.
sense_id Sense ID, as returned from the Sense version API. This is usually on the form qliksenseserver:<version>
product_name Sense product name, for example Qlik Sense
deployment_type Sense deployment type, for example QlikSenseServer
version Sense version, for example 14.173.4
release_label Sense release label, for example February 2024 Patch 1
deprecated_product_version Sense old/deprecated product version, for example 4.0.x
copyright_year_range Sense copyright year range, for example 1993-2024

Qlik Sense server license info

Measurement: qlik_sense_server_license


Tag name Description
butler_instance Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file.

In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseLicense.serverLicenseMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.


Field name Description
license_expired Whether the Sense license has expired. true/false.
expiry_date Expiry date of the Sense server license, YYYY-MM-DD format.
days_until_expiry Number of days until the Sense server license expires. If expiration date has passed this number will be negative.

Qlik Sense end user access license info

The access license information returned by the Qlik Sense API is not very well documented by Qlik.
As a result it is not always clear what the different fields mean.
This is highlighted for each affected field below.

Measurement: sense_license_info

Each datapoint has a tag called license_type that can have the following values:

  • professional
  • analyzer
  • analyzer_capacity
  • token_login
  • token_user
  • tokens_available

The tags are the same for all license types, but the fields differ as follows.


Tag name Description
butler_instance Name of the Butler instance, from Butler.influxDb.instanceTag in config file.

In addition to above, all tags defined in Butler.qlikSenseLicense.licenseMonitor.destination.influxDb.tag.static in the config file are added to each datapoint that is sent to InfluxDB.

License types “professional” and “analyzer”

Field name Description
allocated Number of allocated professional licenses.
available Number of available professional licenses.
excess Number of excess professional licenses. Unclear what this means.
quarantined Number of quarantined professional licenses.
total Total number of professional licenses included in the installed Qlik Sense license.
used Number of professional licenses in use right now.

License type “analyzer_capacity”

Field name Description
allocated_minutes Total number of analyzer capacity minutes available in the installed Qlik Sense license.
unavailable_minutes Number of analyzer capacity minutes that are currently unavailable. Unclear what this means.
used_minutes Number of analyzer capacity minutes used so far this month.

License type “token_login”

Field name Description
allocated_tokens Unclear what this means.
token_cost Unclear what this means.
unavailable_tokens Unclear what this means.
used_tokens Unclear what this means.

License type “token_user”

Field name Description
allocated_tokens Unclear what this means.
quarantined_tokens Unclear what this means.
token_cost Unclear what this means.
used_tokens Unclear what this means.

License type “tokens_available”

This license type contains aggregated token information.

Field name Description
available_tokens Number of tokens available. Unclear what this means.
total_tokens Total number of tokens included in the installed Qlik Sense license. Unclear what this means.

Butler uptime info

Measurement: butler_memory_usage


Tag name Description
butler_instance Name of the Butler instance, from config file.
version Version of Butler.


Field name Description
heap_used Amount of heap memory used by Butler.
heap_total Total amount of heap memory available to Butler.
external Amount of external memory used by Butler.
process_memory Amount of memory used by the Butler process.