Load script
Assuming the .qvs helper subs are used, only one line of script is needed to publish a MQTT message.
The demo app does a bit more. First it posts a startup message to MQTT, then it loads some data and finally an all-done message is sent:
// -------------------------------------------
// Publish a MQTT message, load some data and publish another message
Call PostToMQTT('butler/5.0/demo-reloading/status', 'reload started')
// Load some data
Load Chr(RecNo()+Ord('A')-1) as Alpha, RecNo() as Num autogenerate 26;
// Publish final message
Call PostToMQTT('butler/5.0/demo-reloading/status', 'reload done')
The MQTT messages look like this in the MQTT Explorer app on mac OS:
The demo app is available in the GitHub repository.
Seeing is believing
The video below is available at Ptarmigan Labs’ YouTube channel and also in the Butler playlist.