Butler: Adding superpowers to Qlik Sense

Great looking alerts to Slack, Teams, email or New Relic when reloads fail, save all failed reload scripts, monitor Sense licenses, advanced task scheduling, task chaining with parameters, key-value store, start reload tasks from any system, extract app metadata, post to Slack/Teams, MQTT integration and more.

Several of the key features (like app reload failure notifications) are available
in both Qlik Sense client-managed and Qlik Sense Cloud environments.

No installation needed. Just download, configure and run.
Open source of course.

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Task failure notifications

Who should be the first to know that a reload has failed?
You or your users?
Who was it that stopped that important 3-hour reload 5 minutes before it was done?

Get notified when tasks fail or are stopped, with notifications sent to Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, InfluxDb, New Relic, Signl4 and other destinations.
Full support for HTML/Markdown formatting and 50+ template fields.

Both Qlik Sense client-managed and Qlik Sense Cloud supported, with alerts looking the same in both environments.

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Task success notifications

Knowing about failed reloads is important, but sometimes it’s just as important to know when a reload has succeeded.

Get emails when those important reloads have completed successfully. Nicely formatted with all the details you need.

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Save logs from failed reloads

Finding the complete logs from failed reloads can be a pain.

Butler can save these for you, sorted by date.
Finding what caused a reload to fail is now easier than ever!

Both Qlik Sense client-managed and Qlik Sense Cloud supported.

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Monitor Windows services

Make sure the Qlik Sense services are always running - and any other Windows services of interest. Maybe your IT department does this for you - if not Butler offers a pretty solid solution.

Start/stop alerts can be sent to email, Slack, Teams, InfluxDB, New Relic, MQTT and webhooks.
Service metrics are continuously sent to MQTT and InfluxDB.

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Monitor and release user licenses

Stay on top of how your Qlik Sense user licenses are used. Monitor in real time - broken down by license type - and release licenses that are no longer used by users.

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Monitor and alert on Sense server license

Continuously monitor the Qlik Sense server license and alert when it is about to expire.

Store the data in InfluxDB for further analysis, or send to your alerting destination of choice.

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Monitor Sense server version

Continuously monitor the Qlik Sense server version and store the data in InfluxDB.

Reduces the risk of running outdated versions of Sense, with associated security risks.

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Advanced task scheduler

Set up advanced task scheduling, more flexible than the one built into Sense.

Cron for Qlik Sense, no more, no less.

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Task chaining with parameters

Need to pass parameters from one reload task to the next?

Create chained app reloads with any number of parameters passed from app to app.

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Generic key-value store

Keep state across any number of apps. Namespace support and optional Time To Live (TTL) for each key-value pair.

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Start tasks via REST API or MQTT

Data delays - no thanks!
Start reload tasks from within app load scripts or from upstream source systems that feed Sense with data.

Need parameters too? No problem - just add zero or more key-value pairs and they will be available to any Sense app!

Or maybe start all tasks having a certain tag or custom property set? Available via the REST API.

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Partial app reloads

Trigger full or partial app reloads using Butler’s REST API.

Useful when dealing with reload chains that only should update a subset of an app’s data.

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App metadata extract

Extract app metadata for a single or all apps in a Sense cluster. Great for backup purposes!

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Keep your users in the know

Tired of being asked “when is new data available”?

Automatically inform your users via Slack or Teams when new data is available.

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Butler can save data about its own memory usage for inclusion in operational monitoring tools.

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Runs anywhere

Run Butler on Windows server, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes or Mac OS.

Standalone binaries - no installation needed. Download, configure and run.

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Send failed reload events to dedicated tools such as New Relic and Signl4.

Butler itself can be monitored in InfluxDB/Grafana and New Relic. Read more…

Latest release: 13.0

Qlik Sense Cloud support added. Yay! 🎉

Get reload failed alerts to email, Slack, Teams or script log on local disk.

Tons of updates to the reload failed alert templates, making them better looking than before, and also consistent across client-managed and Qlik Sense Cloud.

Available on GitHub.

Contributions welcome!

We do a Pull Request contributions workflow on GitHub. New developers are always welcome!

Please consider giving us a star on GitHub if you find Butler useful.

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The GitHub discussion forums are good for feature questions and discussions.

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