Configuring the Butler scheduler
What’s this?
Some scheduling scenarios are difficult to achieve with the standard Qlik Sense scheduler. Butler attempts to solve this by offering a cron-based scheduler that can start Sense tasks according to schedule.
How it works
Butler’s scheduler can be used both via the REST API and by directly editing the scheduler config file.
Both options have their merits and use cases, the latter one can for example be useful if the scheduling file is kept on a Git server and copied to the Butler environment by means of some continuous delivery (CD) tool. The API can be useful when other systems need to change when Sense reloads take place, or to change the schedules from within Sense load scripts.
All schedules are stored in a YAML file. The location and name of the file is controlled by the config file property Butler.scheduler.configFile
The Butler GitHub repository has a sample schedule file in the config directory, next to the main YAML config file:
├── email_templates
│ ├── aborted-reload.handlebars
│ └── failed-reload.handlebars
├── production_template.yaml
└── schedule_template.yaml
It’s important to understand when schedules are stored to and loaded from disk:
- The schedule file is read from disk when Butler starts.
- When schedules are added, changed or deleted using the APIs, the set of schedules currently in Butler’s memory will be written to the schedule YAML file on disk.
Schedule file format
The schedule file contains an array of zero or more schedule entries.
- The cron pattern in the
property can be either 6 positions (left-most character is seconds) or 5 positions (left-most character is minutes). qlikSenseTaskId
is the id of the task to be started. The Task view in the QMC is useful for getting these IDs.- The
property is for reference only. There may in theory be multiple schedule entries with the same (probably not a good idea though). - The
property must be unique. If a schedule is created using the API, the schedule id will be a GUID - but any unique string can be used. startupState
determines whether the schedule will be started or remain stopped when Butler starts.lastKnownState
is the the schedule’s last known state (running/stopped) known to Butler at the time when the schedule file was written to disk.tags
are purely are way to categorize schedules. Not used by Butler in any way, nor are they related to Qlik Sense tags in any way.
A 6 position schedule that starts a task every 30 seconds can look like this:
- name: Every 30 sec
cronSchedule: "*/30 * * * * *"
timezone: Europe/Stockholm
qlikSenseTaskId: 0fe447a9-ba1f-44a9-ac23-68c3a1d88d8b
startupState: started
- Sales
- abc 123 åäö
- Transform
id: task-1
lastKnownState: started
A schedule that starts a task at the top of every 2nd hour looks like this:
- name: Every 2 hours
cronSchedule: 0 */2 * * *
timezone: Europe/London
qlikSenseTaskId: 0fe447a9-ba1f-44a9-ac23-68c3a1d88d8b
startupState: started
- Finance
- Extract
id: task-2
lastKnownState: started
A full description of the scheduler and its file format is available in the Reference docs section.
Settings in config file
# Scheduler for Qlik Sense tasks
enable: false # Should Butler's reload task scheduler be started?
configfile: config/schedule.yaml # Path to file containing task start schedules