Alert template fields for failed app reloads

List of template fields available in Butler’s failed app reload alert messages.

Template fields

Butler uses the Handlebars library for templating work.

Handlebars offers a lot of useful features (nested template fields, evaluation context, template comments) and it’s recommended that you browse through at least the language features section of their getting started guide to get a feeling for what’s possible.

If a template field is used for an alert type where that field is not supported, the field will simply be blank. No errors will occur, but it can still be tricky to debug if you’re not aware of this.

The following template fields are available in alert messages.

Failed app reload Field name Description
tenantId ID of the tenant where the reload took place.
tenantComment Comment for the tenant, as entered in Qlik Cloud.
tenantUrl URL to the tenant.
userId ID of the user who triggered the reload.
userName Name of the user who triggered the reload.
appId ID of Sense app.
appName Name of app.
appDescription Description of app.
appUrl URL to the app.
appHasSectionAccess Does the app have section access? (true/false)
✅  appIsPublished Is the app published? (true/false)
✅  appPublishTime Date/time when app was published.
appThumbnail URL to the app thumbnail.
appOwnerName Name of app owner.
appOwnerUserId App owner user’s user id.
appOwnerPicture URL to the app owner’s profile picture.
appOwnerEmail App owner email.
reloadTrigger What triggered the reload? Manually, scheduled etc.
source Source of the reload. Usually com.qlik/engine
eventType Type of QS Cloud event. For example
eventTypeVersion Version of the event type.
endedWithMemoryConstraint Did the reload end due to a memory constraint? (true/false)
isDirectQueryMode Is the app in Direct Query mode? (true/false)
isPartialReload Was the reload a partial reload? (true/false)
isSessionApp Is the app a session app? (true/false)
isSkipStore Should storing (to disk) the reloaded app be skipped? (true/false)
reloadId ID of the reload.
rowLimit Row limit for the reload.
statements[] Array of statements from the engine.
status Status of the reload. For example error.
usageDuration Duration of the reload.
peakMemoryBytes Peak memory usage during the reload.
sizeMemoryBytes Memory usage during the reload.
appFileSize Size of app file (on disk).
errorCode Error code for the reload. For example "EngineReloadScriptError".
errorMessage Error message for the reload. For example "error in app script or datasource".
logMessage Log message from the Sense log files.
"ReloadID: 670e1df04cf4e529c035c902\r\nStarted loading data\r\n(A detailed script progress log can be downloaded when the reload is finished)\r\nCharacters << AUTOGENERATE(26) 26 Lines fetched\r\nASCII << AUTOGENERATE(255) 191 Lines fetched\r\nTransactions << AUTOGENERATE(1000) 2,027 Lines fetched\r\n\r\nData has not been loaded. Please correct the error and try loading again.\r\nThe following error occurred:\r\nUnknown statement: ThisFailsForSure...\r\n \r\nThe engine error code: EDC_ERROR:11002\r\nThe error occurred here:\r\nThisFailsForSure...\r\n \r\n"
executionDuration.hours executionDuration is a JSON object.
Duration of reload (hours part)
executionDuration.minutes Duration of reload (minutes part)
executionDuration.seconds Duration of reload (seconds part)
executionStartTime.startTimeUTC JSON object.
UTC timestamp for reload start
executionStartTime.startTimeLocal1 Reload start timestamp, format 1
executionStartTime.startTimeLocal2 Reload start timestamp, format 2
executionStartTime.startTimeLocal3 Reload start timestamp, format 3
executionStartTime.startTimeLocal4 Reload start timestamp, format 4
executionStartTime.startTimeLocal5 Reload start timestamp, format 5
executionStopTime.stopTimeUTC JSON object.
UTC timestamp for reload end
executionStopTime.stopTimeLocal1 Reload end timestamp, format 1
executionStopTime.stopTimeLocal2 Reload end timestamp, format 2
executionStopTime.stopTimeLocal3 Reload end timestamp, format 3
executionStopTime.stopTimeLocal4 Reload end timestamp, format 4
executionStopTime.stopTimeLocal5 Reload end timestamp, format 5
executionStatusText Final reload task status message, for example FAILED.
scriptLogSize Size of the reload’s script log (characters)
scriptLogHeadCount Number of lines extracted from the start of the script log
scriptLogTailCount The first y lines from the reload’s script log
scriptLogHead The first x lines from the reload’s script log
scriptLogTail Number of lines extracted from the end of the script log
qliksSenseQMC Links to QMC, as defined in main config file
qliksSenseHub Links to Hub, as defined in main config file
genericUrls Links to other systems, as defined in main config file